“A Corpus-based Analysis of Negation in Selected 19th-century American Missionary Documents in Honolulu”

Bibliographical details

Iyeiri, Yoko and Mariko Fukunaga. 2023. “A Corpus-based Analysis of Negation in Selected 19th-century American Missionary Documents in Honolulu”, in Language and Linguistics in a Complex World, ed. Beatrix Busse, Nina Dumrukcic, and Ingo Kleiber, pp. 133-151. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Language and Linguistics in Complex World is an open-access book, whose chapters are downloadable from the publisher’s site.

Negation in 19th-century American English

This is the first publication of our Hawaii project. The paper discusses the negative constructions in the Hawaii Corpus. While the overall tendency does not deviate much from the negative constructions in Present-day English, the behaviour of the lexical have in this dataset is interesting. Do-less negation is retained to a larger extent than expected from American English. Also, the paper discusses stylistic differences due to different authors included in the corpus.

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