“Negation in the Brut“

Bibliographical details

Iyeiri, Yoko. 1994. “Negation in the Brut“, in The Text and Tradition of Layamon’s Brut, ed. Françoise Le Saux, pp. 29-46. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.

This is a contribution to the volume based on the papers presented at the First Layamon Conference held at the University of Lausanne in August 1992. It discusses negation in the two manuscripts of Layamon’s Brut, including orthographic forms of some negative words and their choice by different scribes.

Related publications

  • Yoko Iyeiri. 2001. Negative Constructions in Middle English. Fukuoka: Kyushu University Press.
  • Iyeiri, Yoko. 2010. “Negation in Fragments A, B and C of the Hunter Manuscript of The Romaunt of the Rose“, in Language Change and Variation from Old English to Late Modern English: A Festschrift for Minoji Akimoto, ed. Merja Kytö, John Scahill & Harumi Tanabe, pp. 79-101. Bern: Peter Lang.