Yoko Iyeiri is Professor of English at Kyoto University, where she teaches Old and Middle English and the history of the English Language. Her research interests are in syntactic developments of the English language; she is also interested in sociolinguistic studies of contemporary English.

Curriculum Vitae

BA in English, Kyushu University, Japan (1987); MA in English, Kyushu University (1989); Ph.D. in English, University of St Andrews, Scotland (1993); Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (1993-1994); Lecturer of English, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies (1994-1996); Associate Professor of English, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies (1996-2002); Honorary Research Fellow, Manchester University (1999-2000); Associate Professor of English Linguistics, Kyoto University (2002-2013), Professor of English Linguistics, Kyoto University (2013-).


Department of English, Kyoto University, Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

yiyeiri3%yahoo.co.jp (change % to @)