“To be different from or to be different than in Present-day American English: A Study of Style and Gender Differences Using the Corpus of Spoken Professional American-English”
This paper explores the occurrences of different from and different than in the Corpus of Spoken Professional American English (CSPAE) and shows that different than is much more widely used in formal spoken American English than hitherto considered.
Yoko Iyeiri & Margaret Connolly (eds.), And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche: Essays on Medieval English Presented to Professor Matsuji Tajima on his Sixtieth Birthday (Kaibunsha, 2002)
This is a festschrift edited by Yoko Iyeiri and Margaret Connolly for Professor Matsuji Tajima, Kyushu University. A number of scholars in the world, including his friends and students have contributed articles to this volume.